Average Monthly Temperature
Average High | Average Low | Mean | Average Precipitation | Record High | Record Low |
67° F | 45° F | 54° F | .83 in. | 88° F (1971) | 16° F (1913) |
Garden Maintenance
WATCH THE WEATHER REPORTS!If frost warnings are predicted cover all tender plants and trees including:
Bougainvillea, Hibiscus, Lantana, Fall annuals (geraniums petunias, etc), Natal plum, Plumbago, Pigmy dates, Ficus Trees, Orchids, Citrus
Protect tender cactus by placing styro cups on tips
If you are unsure of the hardiness of any particular plant call the nursery.
Use sheets blankets or frost cloth (available at the nursery) as cover. No Plastic!
Bring Holiday Poinsettias inside if it’s going to be cold out
Feed annual flowers with “superbloom” fertilizer and dead head old blooms to prolong bloom cycle
Begin harvesting citrus fruit – remember the longer fruit stays on the tree the sweeter it becomes. Do taste tests to determine sweetness
Tangerines, Navel Orange, Tangelos, Lemons, Grapefruit
What To Plant
Plant fruit and nut trees – use low chill varieties specially adapted to the low desert such asBonanza Peach, Babcock Peach, Florida Prince Peach, Anna apple, Dorsett Apple, Grape varieties
Plant bareroot and container roses now through May
Plant deciduous trees all month
Elm, Chinese pistache, Crape myrtle, Flowering pear, Vitex, Purple leaf plum, Ash
Radio Show Transcripts
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