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Average Monthly Temperature
Average High
Average Low
Mean Average Precipitation
Record High
Record Low
88° F 61° F 74° F .70 in. 106° F (1980) 34° F (1911)

Garden Maintenance

Reduce your overall watering to help plants harden-off for winter; be sure to adjust your irrigation clock/timer for less frequent watering. Depending on the weather, continue a deep watering schedule for everything about every 7 to 10 days. Continue to irrigate your pecans.

Do not prune in October only dead and damage branches.

Allow roses to adjust to dropping temperatures and prepare for cold weather by reducing the frequency of watering and discontinuing fertilizing.

Finish seeding cool-season grasses.

For Christmas bloom, give poinsettias and Christmas cactus 14 hours of uninterrupted darkness per day. The Christmas cactus requires cool nights between 55 and 65ºF.

What To Plant

Cool-season perennials and hardy natives such as gaura, penstemon, and salvia may be planted now.

Plant junipers, continue planting winter hardy trees and shrubs but wait to plant species such as Red Bird of Paradise, and oleander.

Plant Strawberries.

Radio Shows
October 13, 2012

October 20, 2012

October 27, 2012